Why You Should Unfollow Metro Skateboarding

Metro Skateboarding, one of the biggest skate Instagram repost accounts, is ruining our perception of skateboarding and taking the fun out of it.

Known for their infamous hashtag #metrogrammed, Metro’s Instagram feed is a constant bombardment of skatepark NBD’s. From tech wizardry to stair hucking that makes your knees hurt just watching, every post is guaranteed to blow your mind with each scroll of your thumb. Metro Skateboarding is the perfect place for anyone to submit a trick that took six hours to land, just for it to get posted alongside twenty other videos and lost in the ether that is their feed.

This can’t be real.
Photo via Funky Focus on Pixabay

The more I watch from Metro, the less I care. Watching skate videos should make you want to skate, but seeing someone do a 360 flip to lip slide on a bump to rail and nollie flip out is so inconceivable that it makes me want to do anything but skate. Seeing so many insanely difficult tricks on Instagram makes us numb to how difficult they are in real life. This constant exposure to that level of skateboarding gives us an unrealistic expectation of what skating should be, which is why you should unfollow Metro Skateboarding.

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